Sonia Bonkowski

Expert in collective intelligence processes, she is a creative and enthusiastic group dynamic

An experienced pedagogue, Sonia has worked for more than 10 years as a Pedagogical Advisor for the General Secretariat of Free Education where she developed various training programs, particularly in the field of multiculturalism. She is a trainer of trainers for the European program "ClassRoom of Difference". As a School Director for several years, she has experience in management and administration completed by a continuous training course in Institutional Analysis at the ULG and in Training Management (UCL Namur-Sherbrook Quebec).

A certified C&T coach, she also practices the Narrative Approach in her team coaching. Specialized in Professional Co-Development, she helps teams to develop their own maturity path. She supervises other coaching professionals and shares her experience with passion and professionalism.

She accompanies managers in charge of teams as well as steering committees in change projects and facilitates professional co-development workshops within the C+ spiral.

She is characterized by a common sense and humanity, combining rigor and benevolence in the empowerment of the teams she accompanies. Sonia speaks French and Dutch.

Some examples of interventions

CHR Sambre et Meuse (Namur): Implementation of a collaborative culture within the Nursing Department via the institutionalization of co-development / Managerial development coaching for unit managers / Team Building animation of the hospital's CODIR.

CNDG in Gosselies : Accompaniment of the CODIR (professional co-development sessions)/ Facilitation of professional co-development workshops for all heads of departments in the clinic/ Training in the facilitation of inter-departmental referents' co-development workshops.

Partenamut: Support for the merger project/ Facilitation of workshops for the various merged departments: implementation of a common collaborative culture and participative leadership, work on the cohesion of the merged teams.

APB: Support for the "Pharmacy 3.0" change project. : animation of workshops for federal and regional committees/ coaching of managers of the Steering Committee.

SEB: Coaching of inter-departmental managers/ training and facilitation of team building TB/ facilitation of co-development workshops for managers/ coaching of the Steering Committee

Halio: TB animations: work on the company vision and on team cohesion/ coaching of managers

CHU Brugmann: Coaching of the DDI and its team of service managers / Training in benevolent leadership / Team building and narrative coaching.

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